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Advance vital statistics by county of residence

Section 1 - Pregnancies, Births, Abortions, Fetal Losses, Marriages, Dissolutions of Marriage and Deaths, Arizona, 2011

Table 1   Number and rate of births and deaths by county of residence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 2   Low-birthweight births and infant mortality by county of residence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 3   Births of unmarried mothers, teen pregnancies, teen births and rates by county of residence, Arizona,
2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 4   Selected chracteristics of newborns and women giving birth by mother's race/ethnicity, Arizona, 2011

Table 5   Births by mother's age group, race/ethnicity and county of residence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 6   Pregnancies by pregnancy outcome, age group and county of residence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 7   Reportable spontaneous fetal losses by mother's age group and county of residence, Arizona, 2011

Table 8   Abortions by age group and county of residence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 9   Marriages by month and county of occurrence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 10   Dissolutions of marriage by month and county of occurrence, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

Table 11   Deaths by gender and county of residence for selected 100+ causes, Arizona, 2011 [PDF | XLS]

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. This page last modified on August 6, 2012.
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